Tag Archive | rainbow connection

The Color Code

After a friend of mine learned that I love figuring out what makes people tick, she suggested, “The Color Code” by Taylor Hartman. So, I have been reading another person’s take on personalities. I love how Taylor Harman talked about personalities being ingrained in us from the very beginning. He says, “Ask any woman who has given birth to two or more children and she will attest to the fact that while still in the womb her children showed marked differences in their behavior.”


Taylor chooses to categorize the personalities into 4 color categories. He highlights how each of them are portrayed, as well as, their specific wants and needs.

middle_33_15_15---Fire-Flame-Texture_webRED = Power-hungry, Productive, Leaders

blue-earth_00437714BLUE = Altruistic, Intimate, Strong Moral Conscience

element-water-white-backgroundWHITE = Peace, Quiet Strength, Independent, Private

gi-artlab-yellow-smokeYELLOW = Fun, Popular, Active

He gives a Personality Profile in the very beginning of the book to help you figure how which color you are. Later Hartman goes into specifics of each color and suggests that you learn each color to understand others, as well as, yourself.


Some specifics that Taylor suggests are: Answering the profiling questions from your earliest recollections of how you were as a child, asking others for their feedback, and to be honest. He also suggests that it may be difficult in some situations to identify your Dominant Personalty because you were 1) reared in a strong dominating family, 2) you may have unresolved or untreated sexual abuse, 3) you may have theological or cultural biases, or 4) are an individual that may have been born with a closely blended personality: the Dominant and Secondary personality are so close it’s hard to tell which it is.

I had a really difficult time with a couple of people that I thought were “REDS,” but were actually a “WHITE”/”YELLOW” mix with either one being Dominant or Secondary. Where instead of it being a “Power-hungry” type of personality, It was actually someone who was Fun and Active with an Independent and Private side that looked like a “RED” together. The difference is in their actual meaning behind the action, different wants, and different needs.


He establishes strengths, weaknesses, and connections of each type throughout the rest of the book. He ends with the hope that we will establish a “Rainbow Connection” by understanding each other, as well as, ourselves: becoming the best “you” that you can be. It has been enlightening learning more about personalities more deeply from another perspective.

Other books of the same topic by Taylor Hartman Ph.D. are:

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