

Proper nutrition is vital to your health and sustainability.

Those with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and even other connective tissue disorders have a tough time with digestion. Connective Tissue problems can upset every part of the body. Tissue extensibility and laxity can also cause lack of contraction of the stomach, causing food to not move down. IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Constipation, and Diarrhea are common with EDSers.

Another common problem with EDS is joint pain, depression, and anxiety. There are foods that cause more pain and foods that help to prevent pain. There are foods that cause one to feel moody and others that help one feel invigorated in body and mind.

Also, because our bodies do not absorb the nutrition needed, we may already be deficient in vitamins and minerals even if we are eating a healthy, non-processed, low sugar diet. If you are not eating healthy, as well, it would be wise to add in supplements first. (See The Food-Mood Solution) Then, replace foods that are unhealthy with something healthy that you enjoy, as well. For example, when I decided to give up eating cookies every day, I enjoyed eating yogurt and would use that as my dessert as a reward at the end of the day.

Antibiotics Kill!

Digestive Health and Healing

Histamine Intolerance

Vitamins and Supplements

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